jueves, 21 de enero de 2010


la vida da muchas vueltas... y una de tantas, te topas con el camino que una vez decidiste pasar por alto... luego, te pones a pensar y decides tomar ese camino nuevamente... seguramente ese camino te llevara a algo bueno, pues las oportunidades se presentan una sola vez en la vida... cuando se presentan dos, es que es un camino que debes tomar...

don't hesitate and take the jump... life may as well take you in and give you a smooth ride!

can't wait!

Just a note...

I was ashamed to be myself. I was dumb, and fat, and ugly. And now I am not ashamed to be who I am, though I am still dumb, and still fat and still ugly. But who cares?

I was ashamed to be myself… where you ever ashamed of who you where? Are you ashamed of what you are now? Not anymore. I like myself better now than I ever did before, because now I am true to myself and if you are ashamed of what I turned in to, it´s your problem, not mine!

Life is life

I´ve always asked myself why am I here, in this moment in time and with the people that surround me. Maybe it was just pure luck and relations I have made that make myself stand where I am. And my doubt is it can´t be just luck, there has to be something else to it can´t be that easy… no way!

Sometimes, I think that it all happens because of a sort of prewritten thing that´s going on, but sometimes that just feels wrong. I have gotten to think that maybe there are some things that are already written, but others that you can choose to do or not. That is what makes of life a game… sort of! Then is when you have all the fun…


Have you felt that soothing touch, that caring smile, a warming glare, a helping hand?

I have come to think that there is nothing else can explain that the touch of God. I´ve heard God is where we least expect it, and why not, right beside you when you need him, and maybe when you don´t but he´s making you feel you are in good company.

I believe that God is in everyone of us, even when we don´t sense or feel him, he´s watching our every move making sure everything is and will be all right!

sábado, 2 de enero de 2010

es entonces cuando te das cuenta que las relaciones cuelgan de un hilo. delgado o grueso, pueden derrumbarse en tan solo un instante cuando dices algo incorrecto o actúas de manera inesperada. surgen las dudas y es cuando todo es más frágil de lo que pensabas, por más duro y fuerte que un lazo podía ser, se convierte en una muy fina capa de hielo que puede quebrarse en el momento que creías ser más fuerte. no soy buena para mantener una relación a lo largo de los años, suelo ser muy descuidada en ese aspecto y cuando al fin creí tener una relación segura, satisfactoria y positiva cuando de pronto todo puede esfumarse. no me gusto lo que sentí…