miércoles, 18 de julio de 2018


It is awkward to be sitting down in front of a person, who is alive and breathing, but does not utter a word for the slightest thing. It happens every day for at least an hour, not a sound comes out. I have no idea if it is an extreme condition of concentration or a complete lack of the possibility of human interaction in the most minimal way. It is completely obnoxious and I totally hate it.

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

Heme Aquí oh Madre...

Esta oración la rezaba con mi Mane, me trae muchos sentimientos... igual que su recuerdo!
 Te amo, Gordita, miss you mucho!! Abrazameee ='(

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011


Cómo hay lugares que te traen recuerdos. Hoy elijo sentarme cerca de tu recuerdo para no olvidar tu presencia. Puedo decir que hasta se me hinchó el corazón de la alegría que me da estar en este preciso lugar, tan cerca de donde tú lo estabas no hace mucho tiempo.
Hoy no será lo mismo porque tú no estarás aquí, pero aquí estoy yo, dispuesta a tener una nueva oportunidad.

jueves, 21 de abril de 2011


A very meaningful and representative quote, I have to say!!

There is not one sound, not one word, not one phrase, not one book,
not one human being that can describe what I feel.

Only you would understand!

There is something about you, inside you, that gives me a feeling
like we knew each other from before. I guess its just plain, good
OLD chemistry...

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

i need you now!

today i feel overwhelmed and mega un-inspired! it is just so hard to cope at this moments, i can't handle myself anymore. i'm so full of stress and endless uncertainty that i can bearly take it any longer. i need to speak to you, or at least see you.. you have that power over me that makes me forget everything and just give everything my best,but now i have just given up... i can't take it no longer and i have no idea how much longer will i be able to take it... it could be seconds, hours or still days, but at this point it's just too much for me... i need your comforting words, as a good mother, as a mentor, as friend, as a person in whom i have all my trust in... but you just seem to be very busy coping with your own business that i can´t handle myself. i really miss you and i really need you. see you, hear you, read you, WHATEVER!! this will be a long night, could you just send me your blessing and a smile of yours please? that is all it will take... i'm about to break to a thousand pieces, i swear! i need your reassurance, your support, your presence... YOU. wish time and life had just kept our common ground together so i could let this fear leave me and have peace back to myself... i'm frustrated and need someone to talk to, someone to listen to me. here comes the first tear, here comes the second one... oh, i hate to feel this way! :(

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Necesidad de TI

Me siento vacía y con necesidad de TI. Me hace falta ese tiempo de estar a solas con mis pensamientos e intentando escuchar el mensaje que tienes para mí. Me siento tan lejos, aunque en realidad no lo esté. Tengo una inmensa necesidad de un momento de retiro, de descanso y de estar ahí sin más en mente que Tu y yo. No es fácil aceptarlo, pero eres más necesario de lo que jamás imaginé, quizás mis ideas locas no sean tan locas como las he llegado a creer, solo me falta dar ese brinco. Un brinco al vacío, al cual le tengo un miedo inmenso. Pero nada más grande que la necesidad y el ansia de no poder detener el mundo por un instante para respirar y orar con todas mis fuerzas y mi voluntad: abierta de manos, oídos y sobre todo de corazón.

martes, 25 de enero de 2011


i saw you today, from far away. i could just send a blessing to you and all of yours. and that made me happy, truly happy, even though i only saw you today, from far away!